What’s Going On?


For over 400 million years, the Great White shark has reigned supreme as King of the Ocean. Unlike the vastly inferior lion or other similar pseudo-“Kings of Animals,” the Great White has earned its grand title by being a ruthless biological machine of destruction. Unlike other less-impressive specimens in the animal kingdom, the Great White shark relies on no trickery or illusion to capture prey. Instead, the ferocious one-ton predator overwhelms its victims through sheer brute force.

Recently, however, there have been rumblings of revolution in the deep. Orcas, a species known for their inability to respect personal boundries and downright cruel nature, have been targeting innocent Great Whites and removing their livers with what some experts have called “surgical precision previously capable only to species with a far more advanced intellect and opposable thumbs.”

These heinous and unprovoked Orca attacks have shown the species to be a danger to the carefully constructed hierarchy of the oceans and as such, a threat that must be neutralized.

Orcas Are Bastards strives to spread awareness of the horrific attacks on nature’s greatest creation. We will not cease our campaign until the word is known -

Orcas are bastards.


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